The Great Fire of Skirum 2006
This is funny and not by design. Actually I was burning a few boxes on top of the kitchen scrap pile last Saturday and the wind caused the fire to get into the grass of the nearby field. Unfortunately it got out of hand! --Ouch! Neighbors come out and was beating out the fire with me, and we were just hoping it would not get the neighbor's shed on fire. One neighbor was helping that just had recent heart surgery (pacemaker) and that was a bad thing... - - - ouch again! Anyway the local fire department from Geraldine showed up 20 minutes or so after it started and finally doused out the great fire of Skirum with their gasoline powered pump engine and 2 man crew!
Anyway, you can always count your blessings when you think about the fact that no one was hurt, no property was damaged, and it did not cost me any money! It was not on my land either, but maybe I can plant a garden there since I cleared it off for them.. hehehehhe!!!
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